About the Author

Hi, there - I'm your host, Jacob Wilson. That's me on the right there. Ain't I a cutie? Anyway, this is the part of the site where I tell you about myself, so here goes:

Formerly known on the Internet and AOL as "BoneChill" for about seven years, I adopted the moniker "Omegacron" in mid-2001. The first moniker (BoneChill) came about when I was trying to find a name for AOL that wasn't taken. Like most people, I resorted to trying random strange names until I found one that was available. The second one (Omegacron) came from a desire to have something that sounded more sci-fi and less horror/macabre. It's actually a semi-hybrid of the Greek character Omega and the infamous Decepticon leader Megatron (see Transformers site for more on him). At the time there was an electronics/microchip company out there called Omegatron, so I simply switched out the letter "t" for a "c" and there ya have it. My interests include science fiction, comic books, toy collecting, web design, golf, and bowling. I have red hair, five kids, two cars, one wife, and a dog. Yep - life is good.

I currently work in the IT field, as a SharePoint Administrator, which is something I've been doing (and enjoying) for about eight years now. I've always been interested in personal computers, since the introduction of the first ones (see my Commodore 64 section for details). Of course, this interest expanded to include video games, and later, web sites and the Internet in general. I taught myself HTML back around 1996, and the rest is, as they say, history. Now, almost two decades later, I've designed I don't know how many sites for individuals and companies, and for a while there I even ran my own web design business on the side, code-named Alphacron Digital (formerly located at www.alphacron.com). Unfortunately, I learned the hard way that being good at something doesn't necessarily mean you can run a business doing it. Nowadays I just concentrate on SharePoint solutions & development, which allows me to stretch my creativeness a little.

About the Site

When I first designed my site back in '96, my knowledge of HTML was severely limited. I first learned HTML by viewing the source of other web pages, then tearing it apart to see which tags did what. Perhaps not the most efficient method, but it worked. The resulting pages, however, lacked style. That came later, with experience and a book or two. Anyway, the site was originally launched using the whopping 2 megabytes of space given by AOL. It had 5 sections, each consisting of one or two pages. I'm now on the ninth version of the site, and it has increased to include almost a dozen seperate sites, a huge comics gallery, a downloads section, and more - over 300 pages altogether, and about 1900 images.

The site was tested in both Firefox (15.0.1 atm) and IE (8 & 9), although I haven't hit it yet with Chrome. The site is optimized for the latest browsers at numerous resolutions, but I wouldn't recommend anything lower than 1024x768. It now utilizes CSS for most of the formatting, and I've applied some Javascript here and there as well. The site is often a test-bed for new things I'm trying out, and this time is no different. The navigational components on each site is generated by scripts instead of hard-coded into each page. Now, if I need to update a link in the toolbar, header, or footer, I simply change one file and it's done. Nice.