Race: Fosh
Homeworld: Unknown

   A Jedi Knight from the time of the Old Republic, Vergere was sent to investigate strange reportings on the outer edge of the galaxy. She disappeared. It was later learned that she had left with a group of aliens in order to save the living planet Zonama Sekot. It is now known that these aliens were an advance scouting party of Yuuzhan Vong.

Vergere returned to the galaxy as the familiar of a Vong priestess nearly 70 years later. After revealing her long-hidden abilities to the captured Jacen Solo, she then began to further instruct young Solo in the ways of the Force, while at the same time teaching him the ways of the Yuuzhan Vong. She later prevented New Republic Intelligence from using a biological weapon to wipe out the Vong race, and then sacrificed herself to destroy an entire legion of Vong warriors, saving the lives of Jacen and Jaina Solo in the process.