Division of Historical & Cultural Studies


Well, the recovery effort continues. Unfortunately, it would seem that much of the data lost during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of Obroa-Skai was related to the histories and culture division. Please be patient with us as we attempt to settle into our new temporary facility and begin to organize what little information was saved. The small scraps and databanks we have found so far are from fairly recent entries in the archives. We will continue to post what information we find and attempt to make it available again to the general public.


The information repository interface is back online in this temporary configuration. The Institute has located a temporary facility in the Core Worlds, but security demands that the exact location remain quite hidden for now. As it would seem that the Yuuzhan Vong have now captured Coruscant itself, the future of the Institute remains unsure, but most of our faculty is fairly certain that knowledge will persist and survive. We are now attempting to catalog what fractions of the repository were saved, and each division will continue to post updates on their respective holosites.