This is where I'll post summaries of the games I grew up playing on our Commodore 64.

  • ACE: Air Combat Emulator
    A pretty typical flight sim. You pilot a jet fighter around. Whee.

  • Ace of Aces
    Another flight sim. You pilot a jet fighter around. Whee.

  • African Adventure
    The classic text adventure in which you, a dreamer transported to the mysterious continent of Africa, must save the missing Dr. Livingston. Of course, you also have to watch out for hungry lions, swift alligators, hidden quicksand, poisonous spiders, and angry natives - just to name a few of the obstacles in your path.

  • Aztec Challenge
    As an Aztec youth being initiated into the rite of manhood, you must past several tests to reach the center of an Aztec temple. The tests include a spear-throwing gauntlet of your brethren, snake-filled pits, large rolling stones, and various other booby-traps.

  • Mag Max
    You pilot Max, a robot/ship from left to right, avoiding obstacles and trying to pick up power-ups which increase Max's life, speed, and firepower.

  • Pac-Man
    The famous arcade classic where you control that lovable chomping Pac-Man as he tries to devour all of the power pills and ghosts in a labyrinth of mazes.

  • SpellBound
    My all-time favorite game, this one puts you in the role of Magic Knight, a sorceror's apprentice who must rescue his missing master from a magic castle. In order to save your master, you must get help from several characters who have also been trapped in the castle - all of whom you must transport back to their proper time and place.

  • StarPost
    The first game we got for the C64, this one lets you control a large post in the middle of the screen. Actually, you control a laser beam which rotates around the post like a radar screen. You must rotate the laser and destroy objects flying towards the post from the edges of the screen before they hit the post. It was pretty addictive, actually, but got really hard after the third or fourth level.